This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 3.4. Go to the current stable version
# Mikrotik RouterOS Binding

This binding integrates Mikrotik (opens new window) RouterOS (opens new window) devices (opens new window) allowing monitoring of system resources, network interfaces and WiFi clients.
# Supported Things
- An instance of the RouterOS device connectioninterface
- A network interface inside RouterOS devicewifiRegistration
- Any wireless client connected to a RouterOS wireless network (regular or CAPsMAN-managed)
# Discovery
Discovery is currently not supported, but may be implemented in future versions.
# Bridge Configuration
To use this binding you need at least one RouterOS-powered device (Bridge) accessible to the host running
openHAB via network.
Make sure your RouterOS has the API enabled by visiting IP -> Services (opens new window)
configuration section in
WinBox (opens new window).
Take note of the API port number as you'll need it below.
SSL API connection (opens new window) is not yet supported by this binding.
To connect to the RouterOS API, you will need to provide user credentials for the bridge thing.
You may use your current credentials that you use to manage your devices, but it is highly recommended to create a read-only RouterOS user since this binding only need to read data from the device.
To do this, proceed to System -> Users configuration section and add a user to the read
Thing type:
The RouterOS Bridge configuration parameters are:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
host | text | Yes | | Hostname or IP address of the RouterOS device |
port | integer | No | 8728 | API Port number of the RouterOS device |
login | text | Yes | admin | The username to access the the RouterOS device |
password | text | Yes | The user password to access the RouterOS device | |
refresh | integer | No | 10 | The refresh interval in seconds to poll the RouterOS device |
All things provided by this binding require a working bridge to be set up.
# Bridge Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
freeSpace | Number:DataAmount | Amount of free storage left on device in bytes | |
totalSpace | Number:DataAmount | Amount of total storage available on device in bytes | |
usedSpace | Number:Dimensionless | Percentage of used device storage space | |
freeMemory | Number:DataAmount | Amount of free memory left on device in bytes | |
totalMemory | Number:DataAmount | Amount of total memory available on device in bytes | |
usedMemory | Number:Dimensionless | Percentage of used device memory | |
cpuLoad | Number:Dimensionless | CPU load percentage | |
upSince | DateTime | Time when thing got up |
# WiFi Client Thing Configuration
Thing type:
Represents a wireless client connected to a RouterOS wireless network (direct or CAPsMAN-managed).
The WiFi client thing configuration parameters are:
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
mac | text | Yes | WiFi client MAC address | |
ssid | text | No | Constraining SSID for the WiFi client (optional). If client will connect to another SSID, this thing will stay offline until client reconnects to specified SSID. | |
considerContinuous | integer | No | 180 | The interval in seconds to treat the client as connected permanently |
# WiFi client Thing Channels
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
macAddress | String | MAC address of the client or interface | |
comment | String | User-defined comment | |
connected | Contact | Reflects connected or disconnected state | |
continuous | Contact | Connection is considered long-running | |
ssid | String | Wireless Network (SSID) the wireless client is connected to | |
interface | String | Network interface name | |
signal | system.signal-strength | Signal strength (RSSI) | |
upSince | DateTime | Time when thing got up | |
lastSeen | DateTime | Time of when the client was last seen connected | |
txRate | Number:DataTransferRate | Rate of data transmission in megabits per second | |
rxRate | Number:DataTransferRate | Rate of data receiving in megabits per second | |
txPacketRate | Number | Rate of data transmission in packets per second | |
rxPacketRate | Number | Rate of data receiving in packets per second | |
txBytes | Number:DataAmount | Amount of bytes transmitted | |
rxBytes | Number:DataAmount | Amount of bytes received | |
txPackets | Number | Amount of packets transmitted | |
rxPackets | Number | Amount of packets received |
# Network Interface Thing Configuration
Thing type:
Represents a network interface from RouterOS system (ethernet, wifi, vpn, etc.) At the moment the binding supports the following RouterOS interface types:
The interface thing configuration parameters are:
# Interface Thing Configuration
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
name | text | Yes | RouterOS Interface name (i.e. ether1) |
# Interface Thing Channels
Please note that different on RouterOS interfaces has different data available depending on the kind of interface. While the common dataset is same, some specific information for specific interface type may be missing. This may be improved in future binding versions.
Common for all kinds of interfaces:
Channel | Type | Description | Comment |
type | String | Network interface type | |
name | String | Network interface name | |
comment | String | User-defined comment | |
macAddress | String | MAC address of the client or interface | |
enabled | Switch | Reflects enabled or disabled state | |
connected | Contact | Reflects connected or disconnected state | |
lastLinkDownTime | DateTime | Last time when link went down | |
lastLinkUpTime | DateTime | Last time when link went up | |
linkDowns | Number | Amount of link downs | |
txRate | Number:DataTransferRate | Rate of data transmission in megabits per second | |
rxRate | Number:DataTransferRate | Rate of data receiving in megabits per second | |
txPacketRate | Number | Rate of data transmission in packets per second | |
rxPacketRate | Number | Rate of data receiving in packets per second | |
txBytes | Number:DataAmount | Amount of bytes transmitted | |
rxBytes | Number:DataAmount | Amount of bytes received | |
txPackets | Number | Amount of packets transmitted | |
rxPackets | Number | Amount of packets received | |
txDrops | Number | Amount of packets dropped during transmission | |
rxDrops | Number | Amount of packets dropped during receiving | |
txErrors | Number | Amount of errors during transmission | |
rxErrors | Number | Amount of errors during receiving | |
defaultName | String | Interface factory name | Populated only for ether interfaces |
rate | String | Ethernet link rate | Populated only for ether interfaces |
state | String | WiFi interface state | |
registeredClients | Number | Amount of clients registered to WiFi interface | Populated only for cap interfaces |
authorizedClients | Number | Amount of clients authorized by WiFi interface | Populated only for cap interfaces |
upSince | DateTime | Time when thing got up | Populated only for cap interfaces |
# Text Configuration Example
Change config options accordingly.
# things/mikrotik.things
Bridge mikrotik:routeros:rb1 "My RouterBoard" [ host="", port=8728, login="openhab", password="thatsasecret", refresh=10 ] {
Thing interface eth1 "Eth1" [ name="ether1" ]
Thing interface eth2 "Eth2" [ name="ether2-wan1" ]
Thing interface cap1 "Cap1" [ name="cap5" ]
Thing interface ppp1 "PPPoE1" [ name="isp-pppoe" ]
Thing interface tun1 "L2TPSrv1" [ name="l2tp-parents" ]
Thing wifiRegistration wifi1 "Phone1" [ mac="F4:60:E2:C5:47:94", considerContinuous=60 ]
Thing wifiRegistration wifi2 "Tablet2" [ mac="18:1D:EA:A5:A2:9E" ]
# items/mikrotik.items
Group gRB1 "RB3011 System"
Number:DataAmount My_RB_3011_Free_Space "Free space" (gRB1) {channel="mikrotik:routeros:rb1:freeSpace"}
Number:DataAmount My_RB_3011_Total_Space "Total space" (gRB1) {channel="mikrotik:routeros:rb1:totalSpace"}
Number:Dimensionless My_RB_3011_Used_Space "Used space" (gRB1) {channel="mikrotik:routeros:rb1:usedSpace"}
Number:DataAmount My_RB_3011_Free_Memory "Free ram" (gRB1) {channel="mikrotik:routeros:rb1:freeMemory"}
Number:DataAmount My_RB_3011_Total_Memory "Total ram" (gRB1) {channel="mikrotik:routeros:rb1:totalMemory"}
Number:Dimensionless My_RB_3011_Used_Memory "Used ram" (gRB1) {channel="mikrotik:routeros:rb1:usedMemory"}
Number:Dimensionless My_RB_3011_Cpu_Load "Cpu load" (gRB1) {channel="mikrotik:routeros:rb1:cpuLoad"}
DateTime My_RB_3011_Upsince "Up since [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$ty %1$tH:%1$tM]" (gRB1) {channel="mikrotik:routeros:rb1:upSince"}
Group gRB1Eth1 "Ethernet Interface 1"
String Eth_1_Type "Type" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:type"}
String Eth_1_Name "Name" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:name"}
String Eth_1_Comment "Comment" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:comment"}
String Eth_1_Mac_Address "Mac address" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:macAddress"}
Switch Eth_1_Enabled "Enabled" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:enabled"}
Contact Eth_1_Connected "Connected" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:connected"}
DateTime Eth_1_Last_Link_Down_Time "Last link down" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:lastLinkDownTime"}
DateTime Eth_1_Last_Link_Up_Time "Last link up" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:lastLinkUpTime"}
Number Eth_1_Link_Downs "Link downs" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:linkDowns"}
Number:DataTransferRate Eth_1_Tx_Rate "Transmission rate" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:txRate"}
Number:DataTransferRate Eth_1_Rx_Rate "Receiving rate" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:rxRate"}
Number Eth_1_Tx_Packet_Rate "Transmission packet rate" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:txPacketRate"}
Number Eth_1_Rx_Packet_Rate "Receiving packet rate" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:rxPacketRate"}
Number:DataAmount Eth_1_Tx_Bytes "Transmitted bytes" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:txBytes"}
Number:DataAmount Eth_1_Rx_Bytes "Received bytes" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:rxBytes"}
Number Eth_1_Tx_Packets "Transmitted packets" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:txPackets"}
Number Eth_1_Rx_Packets "Received packets" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:rxPackets"}
Number Eth_1_Tx_Drops "Transmission drops" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:txDrops"}
Number Eth_1_Rx_Drops "Receiving drops" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:rxDrops"}
Number Eth_1_Tx_Errors "Transmission errors" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:txErrors"}
Number Eth_1_Rx_Errors "Receiving errors" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:rxErrors"}
String Eth_1_Default_Name "Default name" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:defaultName"}
String Eth_1_Rate "Link rate" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:rate"}
String Eth_1_Auto_Negotiation "Auto negotiation" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:autoNegotiation"}
String Eth_1_State "State" (gRB1Eth1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth1:state"}
Group gRB1Eth2 "Ethernet Interface 2"
String Eth_2_Type "Type" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:type"}
String Eth_2_Name "Name" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:name"}
String Eth_2_Comment "Comment" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:comment"}
String Eth_2_Mac_Address "Mac address" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:macAddress"}
Switch Eth_2_Enabled "Enabled" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:enabled"}
Contact Eth_2_Connected "Connected" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:connected"}
DateTime Eth_2_Last_Link_Down_Time "Last link down" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:lastLinkDownTime"}
DateTime Eth_2_Last_Link_Up_Time "Last link up" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:lastLinkUpTime"}
Number Eth_2_Link_Downs "Link downs" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:linkDowns"}
Number:DataTransferRate Eth_2_Tx_Rate "Transmission rate" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:txRate"}
Number:DataTransferRate Eth_2_Rx_Rate "Receiving rate" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:rxRate"}
Number Eth_2_Tx_Packet_Rate "Transmission packet rate" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:txPacketRate"}
Number Eth_2_Rx_Packet_Rate "Receiving packet rate" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:rxPacketRate"}
Number:DataAmount Eth_2_Tx_Bytes "Transmitted bytes" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:txBytes"}
Number:DataAmount Eth_2_Rx_Bytes "Received bytes" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:rxBytes"}
Number Eth_2_Tx_Packets "Transmitted packets" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:txPackets"}
Number Eth_2_Rx_Packets "Received packets" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:rxPackets"}
Number Eth_2_Tx_Drops "Transmission drops" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:txDrops"}
Number Eth_2_Rx_Drops "Receiving drops" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:rxDrops"}
Number Eth_2_Tx_Errors "Transmission errors" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:txErrors"}
Number Eth_2_Rx_Errors "Receiving errors" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:rxErrors"}
String Eth_2_Default_Name "Default name" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:defaultName"}
String Eth_2_Rate "Link rate" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:rate"}
String Eth_2_Auto_Negotiation "Auto negotiation" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:autoNegotiation"}
String Eth_2_State "State" (gRB1Eth2) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:eth2:state"}
Group gRB1Cap1 "CAPsMAN Inerface 1"
String Cap_1_Type "Type" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:type"}
String Cap_1_Name "Name" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:name"}
String Cap_1_Comment "Comment" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:comment"}
String Cap_1_Mac_Address "Mac address" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:macAddress"}
Switch Cap_1_Enabled "Enabled" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:enabled"}
Contact Cap_1_Connected "Connected" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:connected"}
DateTime Cap_1_Last_Link_Down_Time "Last link down" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:lastLinkDownTime"}
DateTime Cap_1_Last_Link_Up_Time "Last link up" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:lastLinkUpTime"}
Number Cap_1_Link_Downs "Link downs" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:linkDowns"}
Number:DataTransferRate Cap_1_Tx_Rate "Transmission rate" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:txRate"}
Number:DataTransferRate Cap_1_Rx_Rate "Receiving rate" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:rxRate"}
Number Cap_1_Tx_Packet_Rate "Transmission packet rate" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:txPacketRate"}
Number Cap_1_Rx_Packet_Rate "Receiving packet rate" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:rxPacketRate"}
Number:DataAmount Cap_1_Tx_Bytes "Transmitted bytes" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:txBytes"}
Number:DataAmount Cap_1_Rx_Bytes "Received bytes" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:rxBytes"}
Number Cap_1_Tx_Packets "Transmitted packets" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:txPackets"}
Number Cap_1_Rx_Packets "Received packets" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:rxPackets"}
Number Cap_1_Tx_Drops "Transmission drops" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:txDrops"}
Number Cap_1_Rx_Drops "Receiving drops" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:rxDrops"}
Number Cap_1_Tx_Errors "Transmission errors" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:txErrors"}
Number Cap_1_Rx_Errors "Receiving errors" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:rxErrors"}
String Cap_1_State "State" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:state"}
Number Cap_1_Registered_Clients "Registered clients" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:registeredClients"}
Number Cap_1_Authorized_Clients "Authorized clients" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:authorizedClients"}
DateTime Cap_1_Up_Since "Up since" (gRB1Cap1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:cap1:upSince"}
Group gRB1Ppp1 "PPPoE Client 1"
String PP_Po_E_1_Type "Type" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:type"}
String PP_Po_E_1_Name "Name" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:name"}
String PP_Po_E_1_Comment "Comment" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:comment"}
String PP_Po_E_1_Mac_Address "Mac address" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:macAddress"}
Switch PP_Po_E_1_Enabled "Enabled" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:enabled"}
Contact PP_Po_E_1_Connected "Connected" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:connected"}
DateTime PP_Po_E_1_Last_Link_Down_Time "Last link down" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:lastLinkDownTime"}
DateTime PP_Po_E_1_Last_Link_Up_Time "Last link up" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:lastLinkUpTime"}
Number PP_Po_E_1_Link_Downs "Link downs" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:linkDowns"}
Number:DataTransferRate PP_Po_E_1_Tx_Rate "Transmission rate" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:txRate"}
Number:DataTransferRate PP_Po_E_1_Rx_Rate "Receiving rate" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:rxRate"}
Number PP_Po_E_1_Tx_Packet_Rate "Transmission packet rate" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:txPacketRate"}
Number PP_Po_E_1_Rx_Packet_Rate "Receiving packet rate" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:rxPacketRate"}
Number:DataAmount PP_Po_E_1_Tx_Bytes "Transmitted bytes" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:txBytes"}
Number:DataAmount PP_Po_E_1_Rx_Bytes "Received bytes" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:rxBytes"}
Number PP_Po_E_1_Tx_Packets "Transmitted packets" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:txPackets"}
Number PP_Po_E_1_Rx_Packets "Received packets" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:rxPackets"}
Number PP_Po_E_1_Tx_Drops "Transmission drops" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:txDrops"}
Number PP_Po_E_1_Rx_Drops "Receiving drops" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:rxDrops"}
Number PP_Po_E_1_Tx_Errors "Transmission errors" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:txErrors"}
Number PP_Po_E_1_Rx_Errors "Receiving errors" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:rxErrors"}
String PP_Po_E_1_State "State" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:state"}
DateTime PP_Po_E_1_Up_Since "Up since" (gRB1Ppp1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:ppp1:upSince"}
Group gRB1Tun1 "L2TP Server 1"
String L_2_TP_Srv_1_Type "Type" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:type"}
String L_2_TP_Srv_1_Name "Name" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:name"}
String L_2_TP_Srv_1_Comment "Comment" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:comment"}
String L_2_TP_Srv_1_Mac_Address "Mac address" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:macAddress"}
Switch L_2_TP_Srv_1_Enabled "Enabled" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:enabled"}
Contact L_2_TP_Srv_1_Connected "Connected" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:connected"}
DateTime L_2_TP_Srv_1_Last_Link_Down_Time "Last link down" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:lastLinkDownTime"}
DateTime L_2_TP_Srv_1_Last_Link_Up_Time "Last link up" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:lastLinkUpTime"}
Number L_2_TP_Srv_1_Link_Downs "Link downs" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:linkDowns"}
Number:DataTransferRate L_2_TP_Srv_1_Tx_Rate "Transmission rate" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:txRate"}
Number:DataTransferRate L_2_TP_Srv_1_Rx_Rate "Receiving rate" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:rxRate"}
Number L_2_TP_Srv_1_Tx_Packet_Rate "Transmission packet rate" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:txPacketRate"}
Number L_2_TP_Srv_1_Rx_Packet_Rate "Receiving packet rate" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:rxPacketRate"}
Number:DataAmount L_2_TP_Srv_1_Tx_Bytes "Transmitted bytes" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:txBytes"}
Number:DataAmount L_2_TP_Srv_1_Rx_Bytes "Received bytes" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:rxBytes"}
Number L_2_TP_Srv_1_Tx_Packets "Transmitted packets" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:txPackets"}
Number L_2_TP_Srv_1_Rx_Packets "Received packets" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:rxPackets"}
Number L_2_TP_Srv_1_Tx_Drops "Transmission drops" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:txDrops"}
Number L_2_TP_Srv_1_Rx_Drops "Receiving drops" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:rxDrops"}
Number L_2_TP_Srv_1_Tx_Errors "Transmission errors" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:txErrors"}
Number L_2_TP_Srv_1_Rx_Errors "Receiving errors" (gRB1Tun1) {channel="mikrotik:interface:rb1:tun1:rxErrors"}
Group gRB1Wifi1 "WiFi Client 1"
String Phone_1_Mac_Address "Mac address" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:macAddress"}
String Phone_1_Comment "Comment" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:comment"}
Contact Phone_1_Connected "Connected" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:connected"}
Contact Phone_1_Continuous "Continuous" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:continuous"}
String Phone_1_Ssid "Wi fi network" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:ssid"}
String Phone_1_Interface "Name" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:interface"}
Number Phone_1_Signal "Received signal strength indicator" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:signal"}
DateTime Phone_1_Up_Since "Up since" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:upSince"}
DateTime Phone_1_Last_Seen "Last seen" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:lastSeen"}
Number:DataTransferRate Phone_1_Tx_Rate "Transmission rate" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:txRate"}
Number:DataTransferRate Phone_1_Rx_Rate "Receiving rate" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:rxRate"}
Number Phone_1_Tx_Packet_Rate "Transmission packet rate" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:txPacketRate"}
Number Phone_1_Rx_Packet_Rate "Receiving packet rate" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:rxPacketRate"}
Number:DataAmount Phone_1_Tx_Bytes "Transmitted bytes" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:txBytes"}
Number:DataAmount Phone_1_Rx_Bytes "Received bytes" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:rxBytes"}
Number Phone_1_Tx_Packets "Transmitted packets" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:txPackets"}
Number Phone_1_Rx_Packets "Received packets" (gRB1Wifi1) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi1:rxPackets"}
Group gRB1Wifi2 "WiFi Client 2"
String Tablet_2_Mac_Address "Mac address" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:macAddress"}
String Tablet_2_Comment "Comment" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:comment"}
Contact Tablet_2_Connected "Connected" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:connected"}
Contact Tablet_2_Continuous "Continuous" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:continuous"}
String Tablet_2_Ssid "Wi fi network" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:ssid"}
String Tablet_2_Interface "Name" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:interface"}
Number Tablet_2_Signal "Received signal strength indicator" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:signal"}
DateTime Tablet_2_Up_Since "Up since" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:upSince"}
DateTime Tablet_2_Last_Seen "Last seen" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:lastSeen"}
Number:DataTransferRate Tablet_2_Tx_Rate "Transmission rate" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:txRate"}
Number:DataTransferRate Tablet_2_Rx_Rate "Receiving rate" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:rxRate"}
Number Tablet_2_Tx_Packet_Rate "Transmission packet rate" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:txPacketRate"}
Number Tablet_2_Rx_Packet_Rate "Receiving packet rate" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:rxPacketRate"}
Number:DataAmount Tablet_2_Tx_Bytes "Transmitted bytes" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:txBytes"}
Number:DataAmount Tablet_2_Rx_Bytes "Received bytes" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:rxBytes"}
Number Tablet_2_Tx_Packets "Transmitted packets" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:txPackets"}
Number Tablet_2_Rx_Packets "Received packets" (gRB1Wifi2) {channel="mikrotik:wifiRegistration:rb1:wifi2:rxPackets"}
# sitemaps/mikrotik.sitemap
sitemap mikrotik label="Mikrotik Binding Demo"
Frame label="RouterBOARD 1" {
Group item=gRB1
Group item=gRB1Eth1
Group item=gRB1Eth2
Group item=gRB1Ppp1
Group item=gRB1Tun1
Group item=gRB1Cap1
Group item=gRB1Wifi1
Group item=gRB1Wifi2