This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 3.4. Go to the current stable version
# Feed Binding

This binding allows you to integrate feeds in the openHAB environment. The Feed binding downloads the content, tracks for changes, and displays information like feed author, feed title and description, number of entries, last update date.
It can be used in combination with openHAB rules to trigger events on feed change. It uses the ROME library (opens new window) for parsing and supports a wide range of popular feed formats - RSS 2.00, RSS 1.00, RSS 0.94, RSS 0.93, RSS 0.92, RSS 0.91 UserLand, RSS 0.91 Netscape, RSS 0.90, Atom 1.0, Atom 0.3.
# Supported Things
This binding supports one Thing type: feed
# Discovery
Discovery is not necessary.
# Binding Configuration
No binding configuration required.
# Thing Configuration
Required configuration:
- URL - the URL of the feed (e.g (opens new window)). The binding uses this URL to download data.
Optional configuration:
- refresh - a refresh interval defines after how many minutes the binding will check, if new content is available. Default value is 20 minutes.
# Channels
The binding supports following channels
Channel Type ID | Item Type | Description |
latest-title | String | Contains the title of the last feed entry. |
latest-description | String | Contains the description of the last feed entry. |
latest-date | DateTime | Contains the published date of the last feed entry. |
latest-link | String | Contains the link of the last feed entry. |
latest-enclosure | String | Contains the enclosure link (podcast) of the last feed entry, if enclosure is present (used in podcasts). |
author | String | The name of the feed author, if author is present. |
title | String | The title of the feed. |
description | String | Description of the feed. |
last-update | DateTime | The last update date of the feed. |
number-of-entries | Number | Number of entries in the feed. |
# Example
feed:feed:bbc [URL=""]
feed:feed:techCrunch [URL="", refresh=60]
String latest_title {channel="feed:feed:bbc:latest-title"}
String latest_description {channel="feed:feed:bbc:latest-description"}
DateTime latest_date {channel="feed:feed:bbc:latest-date"}
String latest_link {channel="feed:feed:bbc:latest-link"}
String latest_enclosure {channel="feed:feed:bbc:latest-enclosure"}
Number number_of_entries {channel="feed:feed:bbc:number-of-entries"}
String description {channel="feed:feed:bbc:description"}
String author {channel="feed:feed:bbc:author"}
DateTime published_date {channel="feed:feed:bbc:last-update"}
String title {channel="feed:feed:bbc:title"}