This page is part of archived documentation for openHAB 3.4. Go to the current stable version
# Daikin Binding

The Daikin binding allows you to control your Daikin air conditioning units with openHAB. In order to do so, your Daikin air conditioning unit must have a BRP072A42, BRP072C42 or BRP15B61 WiFi adapter installed.
# Supported Things
Daikin air conditioning units with a BRP069B41, BRP072A42, BRP072C42 or BRP15B61 installed. This may work with the older KRP series of wired adapters, but has not been tested with them.
# Discovery
This add-on will broadcast messages on your local network looking for Daikin air conditioning units and adding them to the queue of new items discovered. You can also manually add a new item if you know the IP address.
Background discovery polls the network every minute for devices. Background discovery is enabled by default. To disable background discovery, add the following line to the conf/services/runtime.cfg file:
# BRP072C42 adapter discovery
A BRP072C42 adapter requires a registered UUID to authenticate. Upon discovery, a UUID will be generated but the adapter's key must be entered in the Thing configuration to complete the UUID registration.
# Thing Configuration
- The hostname of the Daikin air conditioner. Typically you'd use an IP address such as192.168.0.5
for this field.refresh
- The frequency with which to refresh information from the Daikin air conditioner specified in seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds.
# Additional Thing configurations for BRP072C42 adapter
- Must be set to true for BRP072C42 to access it through https.uuid
- A UUID used to access the BRP072C42 adapter. A handy UUID generator can be found at (opens new window).key
- The 13-digit key from the Daikin adapter.
# Channels
The temperature channels have a precision of one half degree Celsius. For the BRP072A42 and BRP072C42:
Channel Name | Description |
power | Turns the power on/off for the air conditioning unit. |
settemp | The temperature set for the air conditioning unit. |
indoortemp | The indoor temperature as measured by the unit. |
outdoortemp | The outdoor temperature as measured by the external part of the air conditioning system. May not be available when unit is off. |
humidity | The indoor humidity as measured by the unit. This is not available on all units. |
mode | The mode set for the unit (AUTO, DEHUMIDIFIER, COLD, HEAT, FAN) |
homekitmode | A mode that is compatible with homekit/alexa/google home (off, auto, heat, cool). Not tested for BRP069B41 |
fanspeed | The fan speed set for the unit (AUTO, SILENCE, LEVEL_1, LEVEL_2, LEVEL_3, LEVEL_4, LEVEL_5) |
cmpfrequency | The compressor frequency |
specialmode | The special mode set for the unit (NORMAL, ECO, POWERFUL). This is not available on all units. |
streamer | Turns the streamer feature on/off for the air conditioning unit. This is not available on all units. |
energyheatingtoday | The energy consumption when heating for today |
energyheatingthisweek | The energy consumption when heating for this week |
energyheatinglastweek | The energy consumption when heating for last week |
energyheatingcurrentyear-1 | The energy consumption when heating for current year January |
energyheatingcurrentyear-2 | The energy consumption when heating for current year February |
energyheatingcurrentyear-3 | The energy consumption when heating for current year March |
energyheatingcurrentyear-4 | The energy consumption when heating for current year April |
energyheatingcurrentyear-5 | The energy consumption when heating for current year May |
energyheatingcurrentyear-6 | The energy consumption when heating for current year June |
energyheatingcurrentyear-7 | The energy consumption when heating for current year July |
energyheatingcurrentyear-8 | The energy consumption when heating for current year August |
energyheatingcurrentyear-9 | The energy consumption when heating for current year September |
energyheatingcurrentyear-10 | The energy consumption when heating for current year October |
energyheatingcurrentyear-11 | The energy consumption when heating for current year November |
energyheatingcurrentyear-12 | The energy consumption when heating for current year December |
energycoolingtoday | The energy consumption when cooling for today |
energycoolingthisweek | The energy consumption when cooling for this week |
energycoolinglastweek | The energy consumption when cooling for last week |
energycoolingcurrentyear-1 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year January |
energycoolingcurrentyear-2 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year February |
energycoolingcurrentyear-3 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year March |
energycoolingcurrentyear-4 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year April |
energycoolingcurrentyear-5 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year May |
energycoolingcurrentyear-6 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year June |
energycoolingcurrentyear-7 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year July |
energycoolingcurrentyear-8 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year August |
energycoolingcurrentyear-9 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year September |
energycoolingcurrentyear-10 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year October |
energycoolingcurrentyear-11 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year November |
energycoolingcurrentyear-12 | The energy consumption when cooling for current year December |
For the BRP15B61:
Channel Name | Description |
power | Turns the power on/off for the air conditioning unit. |
settemp | The temperature set for the air conditioning unit. |
indoortemp | The indoor temperature as measured by the unit. |
outdoortemp | The outdoor temperature as measured by the external part of the air conditioning system. May not be available when unit is off. |
mode | The mode set for the unit (AUTO, DEHUMIDIFIER, COLD, HEAT, FAN) |
homekitmode | A mode that is compatible with homekit/alexa/google home (off, auto, heat, cool) |
airbasefanspeed | The fan speed set for the unit (AUTO, AIRSIDE, LEVEL_1, LEVEL_2, LEVEL_3, LEVEL_4, LEVEL_5, AUTO_LEVEL_1, AUTO_LEVEL_2, AUTO_LEVEL_3, AUTO_LEVEL_4, AUTO_LEVEL_5) |
zone1 | Turns zone 1 on/off for the air conditioning unit (if a zone controller is installed.) |
zone2 | Turns zone 2 on/off for the air conditioning unit. |
zone3 | Turns zone 3 on/off for the air conditioning unit. |
zone4 | Turns zone 4 on/off for the air conditioning unit. |
zone5 | Turns zone 5 on/off for the air conditioning unit. |
zone6 | Turns zone 6 on/off for the air conditioning unit. |
zone7 | Turns zone 7 on/off for the air conditioning unit. |
zone8 | Turns zone 8 on/off for the air conditioning unit. |
# Full Example
// for BRP069B41 or BRP072A42
daikin:ac_unit:living_room_ac [ host="" ]
// for BRP072C42
daikin:ac_unit:living_room_ac [ host="", secure=true, uuid="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", key="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" ]
// for Airbase (BRP15B61)
daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac [ host="" ]
// for BRP069B41, BRP072A42 or BRP072C42
Switch DaikinACUnit_Power { channel="daikin:ac_unit:living_room_ac:power" }
Number:Temperature DaikinACUnit_SetPoint { channel="daikin:ac_unit:living_room_ac:settemp" }
String DaikinACUnit_Mode { channel="daikin:ac_unit:living_room_ac:mode" }
String DaikinACUnit_HomekitMode { channel="daikin:ac_unit:living_room_ac:homekitmode" }
String DaikinACUnit_Fan { channel="daikin:ac_unit:living_room_ac:fanspeed" }
String DaikinACUnit_Fan_Movement { channel="daikin:ac_unit:living_room_ac:fandir" }
Number:Temperature DaikinACUnit_IndoorTemperature { channel="daikin:ac_unit:living_room_ac:indoortemp" }
Number:Temperature DaikinACUnit_OutdoorTemperature { channel="daikin:ac_unit:living_room_ac:outdoortemp" }
// for Airbase (BRP15B61)
Switch DaikinACUnit_Power { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:power" }
Number:Temperature DaikinACUnit_SetPoint { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:settemp" }
String DaikinACUnit_Mode { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:mode" }
String DaikinACUnit_HomekitMode { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:homekitmode" }
String DaikinACUnit_Fan { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:fanspeed" }
Number:Temperature DaikinACUnit_IndoorTemperature { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:indoortemp" }
Number:Temperature DaikinACUnit_OutdoorTemperature { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:outdoortemp" }
Switch DaikinACUnit_Zone1 { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:zone1" }
Switch DaikinACUnit_Zone2 { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:zone2" }
Switch DaikinACUnit_Zone3 { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:zone3" }
Switch DaikinACUnit_Zone4 { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:zone4" }
Switch DaikinACUnit_Zone5 { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:zone5" }
Switch DaikinACUnit_Zone6 { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:zone6" }
Switch DaikinACUnit_Zone7 { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:zone7" }
Switch DaikinACUnit_Zone8 { channel="daikin:airbase_ac_unit:living_room_ac:zone8" }
// for BRP069B41, BRP072A42 or BRP072C42
Switch item=DaikinACUnit_Power
Setpoint item=DaikinACUnit_SetPoint visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Selection item=DaikinACUnit_Mode mappings=["AUTO"="Auto", "DEHUMIDIFIER"="Dehumidifier", "COLD"="Cold", "HEAT"="Heat", "FAN"="Fan"] visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Selection item=DaikinACUnit_Fan mappings=["AUTO"="Auto", "SILENCE"="Silence", "LEVEL_1"="Level 1", "LEVEL_2"="Level 2", "LEVEL_3"="Level 3", "LEVEL_4"="Level 4", "LEVEL_5"="Level 5"] visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Selection item=DaikinACUnit_Fan_Movement mappings=["STOPPED"="Stopped", "VERTICAL"="Vertical", "HORIZONTAL"="Horizontal", "VERTICAL_AND_HORIZONTAL"="Vertical and Horizontal"] visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Text item=DaikinACUnit_IndoorTemperature
Text item=DaikinACUnit_OutdoorTemperature
// for Airbase (BRP15B61)
Switch item=DaikinACUnit_Power
Setpoint item=DaikinACUnit_SetPoint visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Selection item=DaikinACUnit_Mode mappings=["AUTO"="Auto", "DEHUMIDIFIER"="Dehumidifier", "COLD"="Cold", "HEAT"="Heat", "FAN"="Fan"] visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Selection item=DaikinACUnit_Fan visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Text item=DaikinACUnit_IndoorTemperature
Text item=DaikinACUnit_OutdoorTemperature
Switch item=DaikinACUnit_Zone1 visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Switch item=DaikinACUnit_Zone2 visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Switch item=DaikinACUnit_Zone3 visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Switch item=DaikinACUnit_Zone4 visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Switch item=DaikinACUnit_Zone5 visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Switch item=DaikinACUnit_Zone6 visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Switch item=DaikinACUnit_Zone7 visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]
Switch item=DaikinACUnit_Zone8 visibility=[DaikinACUnit_Power==ON]